Perhaps my mom is the one who has been saying it the longest, but for as long as I can remember people have been suggesting that I write more, not less … and that I continue to put my thoughts out there in a way that others could muse on them as well.
I was born in Michigan, completed my undergrad near Chicago, served in China, Mongolia, California and Colorado ... single mom to the two most incredible young women God ever formed.
In December 2017 I completed my MA in Counseling Ministries from Denver Seminary to minister as chaplain through pastoral care and counseling. I will do that in partnership with Car-ynne 4 Kids to help those families also find shelter under his wings!
Most importantly, I am one who loves Jesus with my whole heart, mind, soul and strength and trust him as my anchor of hope.
Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 63:7